The #1 Ultimate Guide to Pre-Care for Permanent Makeup Procedures

Permanent Makeup (PMU) procedures have gained significant traction in the beauty industry. However, achieving optimal results from these procedures largely depends on the pre-care preparation. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about

pmu prep and pre-care for permanent makeup procedures.

1. Understanding Permanent Makeup (PMU)

Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing or micropigmentation, is a procedure that involves depositing pigments into the skin to enhance certain features such as eyebrows, eyeliner, and lip color. The results can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on your skin type and lifestyle.

2. Why is Pre-Care Important?

Pre-care is a crucial step in the PMU procedure process. It involves preparing your skin for the treatment to ensure optimal results and minimize potential side effects. Proper preparation of the treatment area can significantly improve pigment retention, shorten healing time, and reduce the risk of complications.

3. General Pre-Care Instructions

Before diving into the specific pre-care instructions for each PMU procedure, here are some general guidelines:

  • Avoid blood thinners: Do not take medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, turmeric, Niacin or any form of blood thinners 24-72 hours before your procedure. These medications can cause excessive bleeding during the procedure, impacting the color deposit.
  • No alcohol or caffeine: Refrain from consuming alcohol and caffeinated drinks 24-48 hours before your procedure. They tend to dehydrate the skin and may increase sensitivity.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily to keep your skin hydrated the week before your appointment.
  • Avoid sun exposure: Do not tan or come in with a sunburned face. Sunburn can cause sensitivity and affect the healing process.
  • No facials or chemical treatments: Do not undergo any facial or chemical treatments like microdermabrasion, peels, botox, or laser treatments at least two months before your appointment. This also includes the use of any retinol products for 1 week in the treated area.
  • Avoid exercising: Do not exercise on the day of the procedure. Exercising will cause excess inflammation, bleeding, & heightened sensitivity during the procedure.
  • NO Antibiotics: If you have been prescribed antibiotics you must wait at least two weeks after completing your medication before receiving treatment. (The body may reject pigment if antibiotics are in the system)

4. Specific Pre-Care Instructions: Eyebrows

When preparing for an eyebrow PMU procedure, consider the following guidelines:

  • Avoid tweezing/waxing: Do not tweeze, wax, or perform electrolysis on your eyebrows at least one week before the procedure.
  • No Botox: Avoid Botox treatments 1 month before your eyebrow PMU procedure.
  • Avoid tinting: Do not tint your eyebrows a week before the procedure.

5. Specific Pre-Care Instructions: Eyeliner

If you are preparing for an eyeliner PMU procedure, follow these instructions:

  • Remove contact lenses: Do not wear contact lenses during or 24 hours after the procedure. (Bring your glasses to your appointment.)
  • No lash treatments: Avoid dyeing, or perming, 1 week before the procedure. Also, ensure to remove eyelash extensions 5 days before the appointment.
  • No lash serums: Discontinue use of any eyelash-growing serums like Latisse 2 months before the procedure.
  • If you have had any type of eye surgery, you must get approval from your physician. You must wait at least 2 months after any cataract, LASIK, or blepharoplasty surgeries.

6. Specific Pre-Care Instructions: Lips

For lip blush or neutralization PMU procedures, adhere to these pre-care instructions:

  • Moisturize: Keep your lips moisturized. Apply a lip balm or Vitamin E/A&D ointment multiple times a day for a week before your appointment.
  • Avoid lip products: Refrain from using lipstick or lip gloss at least one week before the procedure.
  • Lip scrub: After showering or washing your face in the evening, when lips are soft and supple, gently scrub your lips using a lip scrub, especially the middle, and apply a layer of Vitamin D or A&D.
  • Fillers/Injections: Lip Blush should not be performed until 6 weeks before/after having any fillers/injections.
  • Cold sores / Fever blisters / Herpes: For clients with ANY history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes, (yes, even if it has been years since your last outbreak) please contact your physician and request a prescription for Acyclovir or Valtrex. Take it 3 days before, on the day of, and 3 days after your appointment. If you experience frequent outbreaks, please note that Lip Blush can only be done after 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak. The prescription does not guarantee you will not have an outbreak however it will greatly reduce the chances of occurring. All other questions or concerns should be discussed with a healthcare physician.

7. Pre-Care is Crucial for Best Results

Remember, proper pre-care can significantly enhance the results of your PMU procedures. So, adhere to these guidelines diligently for a seamless experience and stunning results.

10. When to Consult a Professional

If you have any further questions or concerns, it’s always best to consult a professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your skin type and specific needs.

Being adequately prepared can make a massive difference in your PMU results.

Remember, the success of your PMU procedure heavily relies on proper pre-care. Follow these guidelines diligently to ensure optimal results and a smooth recovery.

For more information, tips and tricks, visit our website or reach out to our team of experts at 501.500.0272. We are here to guide you every step of the way.


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